
Subaccountsfield links not created SOLUTION

One day I got a call from one Sub office. Which dont have a branch office. They tell that while viewing the daily account an error occurs. It shows sub account field links has not created for that day. This error occurs mostly in offices which do not have a Branch office. The particular sub accounts field links table for that day is not created is the problem. In this situation most of system administrators firstly go to table open sub treasury table and rename the previous sub account field links table to today’s table. Thisprocedure was not proper. When you do this there is a chance for repeating the errorA simple SQL query can solve this problem. The query is shown below.


Use Subtreasury
select *into subacfieldlinkstodaysdate from 



Use Subtreasury

Drop table subacfieldlinks030417 ---The problem dates
select *into subacfieldlinks030417 from subacfieldlinks010417--The date in which daily account is properly taken